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Urine Screen – Cat (At Home, Including Litter)

We make it easy to collect and analyse your cat’s urine at home, using a special no-absorb litter setup.

Pound Sign
 (prices from)
20 mins

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Urine can tell us a lot about your cat’s health, from kidney function to diabetes to urinary tract infections. But collecting a sample from a cat? That’s an art.

We provide a special non-absorbent litter kit and collect the sample gently, without stressing your cat. The sample is then analysed to spot any early signs of concern.

  • Non-absorbent litter system (if needed)
  • Sample collection or guidance for self-collection
  • Urinalysis (protein, blood, glucose, pH, etc.)
  • Interpretation of results
  • Advice on follow-up if abnormalities are found

Do you collect the sample or do I?

We can do either. Some cats are more comfortable if owners collect - we’ll guide you either way.

What health issues can this test detect?

Kidney disease, diabetes, infection, crystals, inflammation and more.

Will I need to stop my cat from using the tray in advance?

We’ll advise you on how to prep - usually no big changes are needed.

Can I keep unused litter for future use?

Yes! Many owners like to keep non-absorbant litter on hand for monitoring chronic conditions.

Schedule a visit

Give us a few details, and one of our nurse team will be in touch to take some details and schedule a visit.

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